The Corner for Political & Business Views — Finding a Way Out in the Dilemma
The chaos originated from the recent political disputes have been suffocating our city with negative emotions and ripping us apart. The core of the storm is the negative feeling of a portion of
Hong Kong is an export-oriented economy; her major economic activity is foreign trade, which involves commodities and services.
Our livelihood is closely related to the mainland. We can possess different political views, yet, there isn’t much room for bargaining when it comes to livelihood. For instance, water, food and energy are all essentials. We cannot sacrifice the living of the mass population for the sake of fulfilling the political purposes of some people. Most young people have never experienced the days when
Another example: since 1994, the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station has been supplying about 25% of Hong Kong's energy. Over the years, more than 10 billion tons of carbon dioxide emission is reduced due to the plant and we are provided with reliable and cost-effective power. Try to put yourself into the shoes of our neighbor city: are we willing to build a nuclear plant in
It reminds me of the English idiom: “cut off the nose to spite the face”. It means you will not be able to breathe if you cut off your nose to teach the face a lesson. In other words, do not be driven by emotions and overreact. On the contrary, we should hold fast to humility and respect; we do not need to flatter anyone or feel inferior; we should not blame fate or anyone and should avoid reckless and irresponsible acts, or else, we will be bringing our own disaster. In the face of the present dilemma, different parties should first calm down. Instead of acting on impulse, they should be pragmatic regarding finding room for discussion. Mutual understanding between
Chairman of Asia Allied Infrastructure
Dominic Pang
(This is a Chinese-to-English translation by Corporate Communications Department. The original article has been published in Headline Daily on 12 August 2019.)

By Mr. Pang Yat Ting, Dominic
Executive Director
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