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Mr. Pang Yat Ting, Dominic

Mr. Pang Yat Ting, Dominic

Mr. Pang Yat Ting, Dominic



Mr. Pang, aged 51, graduated from Columbia University, New York in 1995 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics, Political Science and Mathematics, and obtained a Juris Doctorate from the New York University School of Law in 1998 and an Executive Master of Business Administration degree from Kellogg-HKUST in 2010. In 2023, he was conferred an Honorary Fellowship by City University of Hong Kong. Mr. Pang has been appointed as a vice president of Belt & Road General Chamber of Commerce in April 2018, a member of council of the Vocational Training Council in July 2019, the chairman of Executive Board of the Hong Kong Real Property Federation since September 2019, a council member of The Chinese University of Hong Kong since May 2022 and the non-executive director of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority since March 2023.

Mr. Pang joined the Group in 2003 and was appointed as the assistant to the late Chairman, Dr. Pang Kam Chun. Mr. Pang was appointed as the Chairman of the Company and the Executive Director in April 2010 and redesignated as the Co-Chairman of the Company and the Non-executive Director in January 2015. He has been further re-designated as the Chairman of the Company and the Executive Director since March 2017. Mr. Pang is also the Chairman of the Nomination Committee and Executive Committee and a member of the Management Committee. He is also currently the Chairman of the property development executive board of the Group, responsible for the management of the overall property development and assets leasing business of the Group. Mr. Pang has been appointed as an executive director and chief executive officer of Modern Living Investments Holdings Limited (a subsidiary of the Company listed on GEM of the Stock Exchange, stock code: 08426) in March 2024 and April 2024 respectively. He also holds directorships in certain subsidiaries of the Company. Mr. Pang is the elder brother of Ir Dr. Pang Yat Bond, Derrick and Mrs. Lee Pang Yat Sum, Rita and the son of Madam Li Wai Hang, Christina. Mr. Pang, Madam Li Wai Hang, Christina and Mrs. Lee Pang Yat Sum, Rita owns 45%, 45% and 10% equity interest in GT Winners Limited, the substantial shareholder of the Company.